Panama Trip


NOVEMBER 2-12, 2023

You spoke and we listened!

Discover the Darién and the River of Raptors With Hawks Aloft and Canopy Family Canopy Tower and Canopy Camp Darien, Panama

$3850 All Inclusive from Panama City

The first planned trip coming up! We last visited Canopy Camp Darién in 2019. Everyone agreed that it was an incredible trip, among the best most of us have ever experienced. Highlights of that trip included: a Harpy Eagle on her nest with a nestling too small to be seen; a Crested Eagle in Panama City, migrating raptors flying in formation with wings set heading toward Colombia, a veritable river of raptors overhead, and even an active lek of Golden-headed Manakins right on the grounds of Canopy Camp.

The first days of this visit are timed to take advantage of peak raptor migration, where an average of 3+ million raptors have been documented flying over Panama City. From there, we will move on to Canopy Camp in the Darién Province with excellent chances of finding Harpy Eagle, Crested Eagle and other rare species.

Panama is a biologically and culturally diverse country connecting North and South America. Canopy Company has operated ecotourism lodges in Panama since 1999 with the mission to share the nature, history and culture of the Republic of Panama with passion and enthusiasm, focused on customer satisfaction and guided by the principles of conservation and social responsibility.


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