Join Hawks Aloft today
Help us support New Mexico’s birds!
Your membership and contributions help to make it possible to offer education programs to schools throughout New Mexico, conduct research projects, and other activities involving birds of prey and neotropical migrant birds. As a member, you support our mission and become a member of the avian conservation community.
Hawks Aloft is a volunteer and membership organization. Our members are a much valued part of our team, and we encourage the participation of our members and volunteers in every aspect of Hawks Aloft.

Membership Benefits

The annual magazine
of Hawks Aloft.

HAI Flier
The monthly e-newsletter filled with current news and updates.

Special Events
Get exclusive Invitations to special
events and field trips.

HAI Merchandise
Discounts on selected
Hawks Aloft merchandise.

Discounts at Wild Birds Unlimited and Wild Bird Centers in Albuquerque, NM.

Pure satisfaction
The satisfaction of knowing that you are supporting avian conservation, research, and education!
Individual Membership
Additional membership levels: These include a donation above the regular membership fee.
Corporate Membership
Corporate Membership rates for one year (covering one organization). All contributions are tax-deductible. Please note: memberships are activated upon receipt of payment.